Hospitality and Staff Appreciation


The Hospitality Committee at Kilmer Middle School exists to share our appreciation for our school staff throughout the year.


Winter Spring




Holiday Bags







Teacher Luncheon (TBA)


Staff Appreciation Week (May 5- 9)




Stock the Teachers Lounge (Throughout the Year)


Stock the Teachers Lounge

We provide refreshments in the teacher lounge and teacher lunches. 

Holiday Bags

During the holidays we provide every staff member with a small token of our appreciation. 

Teacher Luncheon

In February, the hospitality team coordinates donations of various foods and soups for the Kilmer Staff to enjoy.

Staff Appreciation Week

Fun week that celebrates all our faculty and staff. Using a fun theme, we show our Kilmer Staff how much we appreciate them.


Volunteer to Help with Hospitality and Staff Appreciation

Are you interested in joining the committee? The more, the merrier! Being part of the Staff Appreciation Committee is a great way to get to know the school staff. If you are interested in joining our committee, please reach out to Kadie Blaney (