Kilmer PTA Documents
Kilmer PTA Amazon and WALMART Purchase Request Form
The Kilmer PTA has an Amazon Business account and a Walmart Business account that are exempt from the 6% Virginia sales tax. Our PTA accounts also receives certain business discounts. When committees use this form, the Amazon and Walmart purchases do not need to be submitted for reimbursement. Stretch your committee funds by requesting Amazon and Walmart purchases through this form. Click HERE for the Amazon and Walmart Purchase Request Form.
Kilmer PTA Reimbursement Request Form
Certain committees may be required to purchase goods on behalf of the PTA. Kilmer PTA has gone paperless. Take pictures or save an electronic copy of your receipts. Receipts are required to be submitted to the PTA Treasurer in using the online form that can be found HERE.
KILMER PTA Tax Exempt Certificate
As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the Kilmer PTA is a tax exempt organization. Present this certificate at the checkout of retail stores only when purchasing goods on behalf of the PTA. Using this form to stretch your funds and remove the 6% Virginia Sales Tax. Click HERE to download the Kilmer PTA Tax Exempt Certificate. Save this certificate to your phone to pull up at the register.
Cash Count Worksheet
If your event requires a cash till, please send an email to the PTA Treasurer ( at lease 5 days prior to event, with the following information:
- Contact information (name, cell and email)
- Name of the event/project
- The date the cash box is needed
- The types of and quantities of bills and coins needed
This Cash Count Worksheet will be provided with the requested money. Fill out the "BEFORE" event cash counts before the event. Fill out the "AFTER" event cash counts after the event. Each cash count needs to be certified by two people. Click HERE for the Cash Count Worksheet.
Adopted on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Click HERE for the VA Uniform Bylaws 2024.
Adopted on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Click HERE for the Kilmer PTA Organizational Structure Form.